Custom Training Program

Following a detailed consultation with your coach, you’ll get equipped with a fully customized training and nutrition plan. Training plans can be adapted to home or gym depending on the equipment you have available and your level of experience. Access membership users will have access to our carefully curated, set workout programs

Custom Nutrition

Enjoy delicious food with your own unique meal plan tailored to your needs, schedule, and goals. You'll get a 7-day meal plan with a simple and intuitive grocery checklist giving you different options to make sure there is plenty of variety. All while making sure you master your calorie & macronutrient intake and consume only the best foods for your health and fitness goals. Access membership users will have access to a meal plan and calorie/macro tracking.

Personal Tracking & Accountability

Accountability is key. Complete your daily tracker so you can look back and see how far you’ve come and stay updated on your goal attainment progress. Upload body progress photos, body metrics and measurements in this personal account, Exclusively for coached memberships, give your coach feedback on how you’re feeling so that your program can be adjusted accordingly. They will personally work with you to keep all learnings, support, momentum, and morale HIGH in order keep you on track to your goals.

Always Connected

With the Peak Figures app you’ll have 24/7 access to a messenger chat where you can lean on your coach for support, motivation, advice or to just celebrate with them on your newest Personal Best. Exclusively for coached memberships, you will have direct and frequent connections with your coach to ensure your highest results in goal attainment.